Within the Australian school system, there is a special subgroup of learning institutions called “selective schools” which cater to a special set of students. By taking a selective test online, students are assessed if they are “high potential and gifted students” according to the Australian Department of Education. Those who demonstrate high average to extremely high IQ levels are given the opportunity to join selective schools. There are less than a hundred of these institutions in the country with almost half of them located in New South Wales alone.
Thousands of students take a shot for a spot in a selective school every year, yet only less than 5,000 are taken in as first years. Families, regardless of financial status, have been attracted to these schools as they do not only hold a certain prestige, they may also open opportunities that are not usually available to everyone. This makes a selective school exam something that is taken quite seriously, with parents even taking extra steps by subscribing to the services of a tutoring company. They often provide full coaching and assistance to help students ace various tests. In this case, tutoring colleges help prepare students in taking the selective school test. Here are some practical tips they use to help students.

Study the test structure
The Australian Department of Education has just announced this year that “a new selective high school
placement test has been developed for 2021.” It is important for the test taker to familiarize himself or
herself to the different parts of the exam. Taking a selective test online gives an idea on what possible
forms of questions will be asked. For the new exam, it will focus on multiple choice type questions in
four sections: Reading, Mathematical Reasoning, Thinking Skills, and Writing.
Take sample tests
After identifying test structure and possible test types, the test taker can subscribe or visit a selective test website that will provide various trial exams. Taking a mock selective school online test helps the test taker get an actual feel of how it is like to take such an exam. Answering the sample questions will be a good gauge if enough preparation has been made or not.
Review and repeat
After taking trial tests, it is important to review and assess how the test taker answered the questions and how he or she felt while answering. By looking at the results, coaching or tutoring can become more targeted or specialized, focusing on topics that will require mastery. After which, another sample
selective tests online can be taken to see if the results have improved.